Privacy, one of the largest buzzwords of the twenty-first century, is a term which many individuals fear is currently in the midst of a rapid shift away from being a tangible concept denoting security and personal space to an obscure and antiquated word whose definition has all but lost its meaning. The reason for the numerous debates -- another of which seems to spring up almost every other week -- surrounding the issue of personal privacy has to do with the simple truth that, increasingly, more of our day to day lives are being either carried out on, or connected to, the internet.
Individuals are connecting with each other over the internet in new ways, and are doing so to a greater extent, each and every day. With the exponential growth we are having in online communications between friends, colleagues, family members, and even complete strangers; we seem to rarely, if ever, pause to consider if anyone is listening in on our conversations anymore. That is the greatest trick of social networking; the obtainment of a false sense of security in that the things we are saying to one person, or a select few people, are only being heard by those individuals. However, the actual reality -- that only those persons whom we are selecting to share information with are those who are receiving it -- is in fact quite the opposite.
Individuals are connecting with each other over the internet in new ways, and are doing so to a greater extent, each and every day. With the exponential growth we are having in online communications between friends, colleagues, family members, and even complete strangers; we seem to rarely, if ever, pause to consider if anyone is listening in on our conversations anymore. That is the greatest trick of social networking; the obtainment of a false sense of security in that the things we are saying to one person, or a select few people, are only being heard by those individuals. However, the actual reality -- that only those persons whom we are selecting to share information with are those who are receiving it -- is in fact quite the opposite.
@Kplus87 Dude, Im writing for my Lit blog at the coffee shop & the hottest
chick EVER just walked in. Get over here now youve got to see her!
With almost no exception, everything that we do online is being tracked, cataloged and recorded. Numerous companies are compiling detailed dossiers on everything from what we are searching for, what we are buying, who we are talking to, what we are discussing, picture we are looking at, videos we have watched, and anything and everything else we have ever done online. The reason why this massive operation of data mining and compilation exists is for the sole purpose of selling us various products. The more activities which we perform online, the larger the amount of data on us grows, and the more personal data that companies have on is means the better they are able to target advertisements to us in their attempts to get us to spend money on their products.
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When it comes to anything online there is an often unspoken rule which states; that if you are not the one buying the product, then you are the product being sold. This is the reason that so many of the various internet services and websites which individuals utilize on a daily basis are free of charge, as companies are keeping detailed logs of exactly what it is you are doing with their 'free' service so that they can turn around and sell your personal information and activities to any the numerous advertisers or businesses that are willing to pay for it.
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- Live Nation [] Chicago Concert Update
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This is the whole concept behind targeted advertising, if the companies who are trying to sell us things know more information about us, what we do, and what we like, then they will be better able to create and send or show us advertisements for the things we are likely to buy.
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Dave Bancroft accepted your friend request.
Dave Bancroft wrote on your wall.
Dave Bancroft: Hey! Whatsup Jon! I haven't seen you since
high school man, we should grab a beer
soon and catch up buddy!
Kelly Davison: Do you know when the essay for prof
Squarebeks class is due? I lost the assignment
handout. :-(
Jessica Renkas: Hiiii! <3 <3
Matt Tianca: Are you going out to the bar with everyone on
saturday for Steves birthday? Cause I'm only
going to go if you're going to go...
Kelly Davison: Ugh! I cant believe professor Squarebek gave
us an essay assignment to do over the weekend!
What are you going to write yours on? I don't
have any ideas at all. :-/ Im sooo confused!
This is essentially what the privacy issue boils down to; it is a question of just how comfortable are we with the advertising companies and multinational corporations of the world to having all of this personal information about us sitting in their computer databases. It is a debate that is,
@Kplus87 She just left the coffee shop, man you missed out! Girl was
freaking gorgeous! Looked like Natalie Portman but w/ a better rack. lol
in all likelihood, not going to be settled anytime soon. The fact of the matter is that all of the concerns over privacy will probably never be settled but rather will simply fade away after enough time passes. With every passing year there seems to be a dwindling of
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- Spotify Music [] You listened to U2, you might like: Coldplay
- Banana Republic [] How to solve your workweek style dilemma
- Live Nation [] Chicago Concert Update
- Netflix [] Netflix Reccomends: Star Wars Ep. 1
- The Wall Street Journal [] iPad Users: Get the WSJ app today!
- Papa John's Pizza [] Combo Meal Deal - Special offers inside!
- Kelly Davison [] Please please edit my essay! (1 Attachment)
- Groupon [] Movie-lover deals from Groupon
- Macy's [] Sale ends tonight! Extra 15% off specials!
- Rgx45gtt67h [] Natural Penis Enhancement! ORDER NOW!
- Ticketmaster [] Jon, See it Live: Tickets on sale this week
concern amongst people about the fact that their activities are being constantly recorded and collated to target them with advertisements. This lessening of concern is, to a certain extent, understandable as you have to
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ask yourself; why does it really matter if they have this information? In my personal opinion, I am in
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no way bothered by the fact that all of this data is being collected.
@JLC42 Hahaha, dude, why didnt you ask her out or
something??? You missed your chance you idiot! lol
(1 New Notification)
Kelly Davison wrote on your wall.
Kelly Davison: Thank you for looking over my essay!! xoxo
Dave Bancroft: Hey! Whatsup Jon! I haven't seen you since
high school man, we should grab a beer
soon and catch up buddy!
Kelly Davison: Do you know when the essay for prof
Squarebeks class is due? I lost the assignment
handout. :-(
Jessica Renkas: Hiiii! <3 <3
Matt Tianca: Are you going out to the bar with everyone on
saturday for Steves birthday? Cause I'm only
going to go if you're going to go...
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Here is why I am not bothered if companies collect data on what I do online: just like nearly all other members of the millennial generation, my online activities are incredibly spastic, largely unrelated, and occasionally are just totally non-sensical. Mining any individuals online activities for relevant and pertinent data is a process which -- like this posting -- requires combing through a large amount of data, the majority of which is irrelevant, crude, idiotic, comical, satirical, or any other number of things which have no real bearing on who I am (or on how I make purchases). So if a company is not only willing, but also somehow able, to sift through all the random things I say and do online all so that they can give me personalized advertisements and recommendations on various things I may like or want to buy then I say by all means, go right ahead.