Monday, February 6, 2012

Mass Mediacracy

In beginning this blog I feel it is only appropriate to put forth an answer to the question which has not yet been asked but which doubtlessly will be. Yes, I do in fact know how to correctly spell the word 'mediocracy'. The intentional misspelling is a not-so-subtle strike to the core of what I believe is one of the largest looming issues of the modern age; the mediocracy of mass media. Mediocre news stories, reporting, fact-checking, song-writing, film-making, singing, dancing, you-name-it, dominate mass media. As a result, America is now ruled over and fed by a Mediocracy comprised of a mediocre mass media: a Mediacracy, if you will. Scattered across this great nation are remnants of once grand news media empires that have fallen into rapidly deteriorating states of disrepair while conversely gaining more power and influence then they have had at any other point in history; the cause of which can all be traced back to one single word.

Infotainment  [in-fuh-teyn-muh'nt]
1. A bastardized hybridity of a word stemming from such transmogrified origins as to invoke the utter horror and abject terror of the soulless piecemeal creature from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. 
2. The status quo for American news delivery and public consumption.

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